Nois means rough voice of the radio receiver. If the component is added, then the signal that is broadcast over 67Khz akan fair and noisnya lost. This tool often used by radio fans amatiryang work on 80meter band. Nois with the reducer installed on the radio this reicever they will be easier to communicate with opponents who are talking far away place.
Components needed:
Components needed:
- Condensator (C) 1 = 4p7
- Condensator (C) 2 = 470nF
- Condensator (C) 3 = 470nF
- Condensator (C) 4 = 470nF
- Condensator (C) 5 = 100nF
- Condensator (C) 6 = 6n8
- Condensator (C) 7 = 10nF
- Condensator (C) 8 = 3n3
- Resistor (R) 1 = 5K6ohm
- Resistor (R) 2 = 12Kohm
- Resistor (R) 3 = 6K8ohm
- Resistor (R) 4 = 150Kohm
- Resistor (R) 5 = 120Kohm
- Resistor (R) 6 = 4K7ohm
- Resistor (R) 7 = 4K7ohm
- Resistor (R) 8 = 4K7ohm
- Resistor (R) 9 = 4K7ohm
- Resistor (R) 10 = 3K9ohm
- Transistor (TR) 1 = BC109
- Transistor (TR) 2 = BC109
- Condensator (C) = 10uF
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