Simple amplifier, the following series of simple but despite this the results will be satisfactory. That are important in pembuatannya you must carefully and correctly.
Components needed:
Components needed:
- Transistor (TR) 1 = BC107B
- Transistor (TR) 2 = BC190B
- Transistor (TR) 3 = 2SB175
- Transistor (TR) 4 = AC127
- Condensator (C) 1 = 0.1 UF
- Condensator (C) 2 = 0.1 UF
- Condensator (C) 3 = 220uF/16 Volt
- Condensator (C) 4 = 1000uF
- Resistor (R) 1 = 4K7ohm
- Resistor (R) 2 = 10Mohm
- Resistor (R) 3 = 100Kohm
- Resistor (R) 4 = 3K3ohm
- Resistor (R) 5 = 220Kohm
- Resistor (R) 6 = 1Kohm
- Potensiometer = 48Kohm
- Voltage DV = 8 Volt
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