Create vocational students Cheap Air Purifier - Water crisis faced by people in various areas addressed by the students of SMK Negeri Sukabumi. The students from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Automotive, Electrical, and Assembly jointly make some equipment to accommodate the water and clear it. These tools have not produced even though expensive, the price is much cheaper than the same tool on the market.
Ujang Solah a student Department of Automotive Grade 3 smkn Sukabumi revealed, it's been a lot of contaminated water in some areas. As a result of water consumed is not feasible because it can cause health problems. And one of the steps taken by CMS students is to make equipment to clear water called Resevoirkosmusi
"This tool can help clear up water containing iron, metal and so on. For the first phase we only create a tool that is able to purify the water as much as 10 gallons," Ujang said when met at the sidelines of the exhibition last day of the Expo West Java Vocational Education in BPPTKPK Street Hero, Thursday (25/11).
According Ujang, student work is able to purify water until suitable for consumption. One tool is worth USD 2 million. Far cheaper than the same tool on the market price of Rp 5 million. In addition to purification equipment, students also designed the bunker-like shelter that berfugsi to accommodate the rain water for everyday purposes.
"Bunker can be built under the house, beside the house or where ever there is still land around the house. Useful for rain water that falls can be reused for domestic purposes such as washing, watering plants, even to cook. We're up the design and can be applied in homes, "he explained.
Another work of these students are anti-theft alarm. Alarms could be placed on windows, entrances, gates, and even roofs. This alarm system Model pengoperasionalannya almost the same as those sold in the market.
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