Using a microphone that the result is ugly fret. But if you speak using the microphone is good, it makes you sound authoritative. Therefore, to make you sound authoritative then you have to brace up microphone. This is not the amplifier gain additional radio.dengan on this, then your microphone will produce a sound and authoritative mantab.
Components needed:
Components needed:
- Transistor (TR) 1 = BC109 or similar
- Transistor (TR) 2 = BC109 or similar
- Resistor (R) 1 = 680ohm
- Resistor (R) 2 = 1Kohm
- Resistor (R) 3 = 330Kohm
- Resistor (R) 4 = 15Kohm
- Resistor (R) 5 = 220Kohm
- Resistor (R) 6 = 5Kohm
- Condensator (C) 1 = 1uF16V
- Condensator (C) 2 = 10uF16V
- Condensator (C) 3 = 100uF25V
- Condensator (C) 4 = 10uF16V
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