Short wave transistor radio or generally called reserver SW radio waves with a range of 10.8 Mhz. This radio is very simple but can catch the broadcast with a perfect distance. Even fans amateur radio 80meter band SSB often use this as a radio receiver.
Components needed:
- Condensator (C) 1 = 220pF
- Condensator (C) 2 = 1uF
- Condensator (C) 3 = 47uF
- Condensator (C) 4 = 47uF
- Transistor (TR) 1 = MPF105 or the like
- Transistor (TR) 2 = BC108
- Coil (L) 1 = email wire commonly used diradio SW
- Coil (L) 2 = same as L1
- Trimer (T) 1 = 60pF
- Trimer (T) 2 = 140pF
- Trimer (T) 3 = 10pF
- SK1 = socket mounted to the antenna
- Antenna requires 5 to 10meter from the land, it is installed outside the house
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